There are two types of people out in the world – those that go camping and those that have absolutely zero interest in going camping. If you happen to dig the outdoors and all that it has to offer, especially camping, Bay Area Houston (BAH) is one of the premier destinations for all things nature-related. There’s just one question – what is Bay Area Houston?
Break out a map of Texas and focus on the area between Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast (the Galveston area). There is no mention of the Bay Area Houston name, but those in the know are very aware of its impact on the outdoors aficionados both near and far. Cities like Nassau Bay, Kemah, & Seabrook make up BAH. With its proximity to the massive city of Houston, it’s no surprise that BAH doesn’t have the same tourism clout that Houston does, but that’s what makes BAH such a killer destination. It’s not the big city, which means that doing cool things like camping make the experience really stand out.
Because Bay Area Houston is such a unique place, it is important to keep in mind that certain things must be a part of your packing. Camping trips can be incredibly fun, but if you forgot something crucial, your trip will be the pits.
Here are a few things to consider packing while camping in Bay Area Houston:
Medications – Travel experts advise that for any big trip you are about to embark upon, it is crucial to be sure you have any medication you regularly take. Camping is a lot of fun, and your family is sure to have a blast enjoying the outdoors. However, if you, your spouse, or your kids forget medication, getting a prescription filled may not be a simple thing. Along with your medication, be sure to have any health insurance information handy.
The Little Things – Camping means you know you’ll be going without for a period of time. Perhaps the most important items that we tend to take for granted are our toiletries. We’re too busy going through a mental checklist of the big stuff that we lose sight of the little items that make any trip bearable. Be sure to have your toothbrush & toothpaste with you, as well as deodorant & sunblock. If you happen to need contact solution, it would be good to get it packed early.
Clothing Options – Campers are a scrappy bunch that are not afraid of camping throughout the year. This means that they’ll suffer through the devastating Texas heat, as well as deal with anything the winter may throw their way (Bay Area Houston can drop as low as freezing). Be sure to set your phone to see weather reports from the area before you travel, and touch base with the local visitors bureau. You definitely want to think about layers, with the heaviness of these layers varying depending on the year.
Alternative Power Sources – Even when you go camping, it’s hard to turn off the regular world where you’re attached to your mobile device all day & night. This goes for both kids & adults. That said, if you know that you aim to have power to your phone, tablet, or other device, be sure to consider power alternatives. Batteries, USB converter cables, and power blocks are just some options.
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