May 6, 2024

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Important Points About Shingle Roofs Warranty And Maintenance

Installing a shingle roof is a big investment. Either for a residential building or for commercial purposes, roofs are installed with a viewpoint of durability and longevity. So after you are done with the initial steps of selecting the roof you want, ensure that you double-check the warranty and maintenance plans. It saves you from potential problems later on. In this article, we’ll discuss in depth the essentials of warranties to help you make a better decision and safeguard your investment for years to come.

Why warranty is important?

A warranty is a very basic contract between the buyer and the seller in which the contractor offers coverage for defects and damages to the roof based on some terms and conditions. Understanding the warranty procedures is important before opting for the roof. Residential and commercial roofing companies offer warranties as an incentive so that buyers develop a sense of security for their roofs. This helps both the company and the buyer. Companies strive to produce a durable product that runs for years flawlessly and the buyer remains satisfied that the coverage will be enough to cover their expenses for some time.

Types of warranty

Manufacturer warranty

This type of warranty covers the defects in the installation by default and the initial damage or deterioration as mentioned and committed in terms and conditions. This type of warranty usually spans several years and in some cases may also last for a decade. Home Shingle Roof Installation is a crucial task and shingles or other material may get damaged during installation so coverage of this aspect saves the additional damage cost.

Workmanship warranty

To cover the flaws or defects left by the labor in the installation of the roof the company offers a workmanship warranty so that any mistake in installation can be rectified. This warranty also lasts for years but depends upon the contractor.

Crucial warranty aspects

You must discuss and review the warranty details to ensure that the limitations do not exclude major damage factors. Weather resistance is a crucial aspect. Exclusion of damage done by storm or harsh weather may be included in the contract. Reduction of warranty span after resale of the house and exclusion of scheduled maintenance are also a few common limitations.

If the warranty includes damage recovery against weather, it is highly beneficial if you live in regions that face harsh climatic conditions. Otherwise, it will cost you a lot to maintain the roof in such conditions. Also if the warranty is not affected by the resale of the property it can be an addition to your property’s value. Scheduled maintenance is a crucial aspect of maintaining roof health and durability so it is better to have coverage of this facility by the contractor instead of having to hire different companies every time.


Understanding warranty documents and procedures is an essential step before signing the contract with the company. Keep everything documented to have proof of installation and  warranty usage. This can help you save damage costs and protect your investment.