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How to Plan your Trip to Morocco ? Ultimate Guide

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Morocco is a country with a very rich cultural heritage. It is a real manifestation that the desert and water can coexist. The beauty of the landscapes is matched only by the hospitality of Moroccans. For globetrotters, Morocco is the ideal destination.

If you are leaving for this country for the first time, our guide on “how to prepare your trip to Morocco” will be of great use to you. Indeed, the country’s Muslim culture requires careful preparation so as not to commit any odds.

Why visit Morocco?

Before we expand on how to prepare your trip to Morocco, we give you some good reasons to choose this destination.

The magnificent cities of Fez, Marrakech and Casablanca are the main attractions of the country. You can cross the Sahara by camel or 4 × 4. But the country also has many seaside resorts located on the coasts.

The old Cherifian Empire is a country open to foreigners and nothing will be imposed on you apart from respecting the hours and places of worship. There are also some restrictions on clothing. But then, how to prepare your trip to Morocco in terms of clothing?

If you are a woman, you will not be required to wear the veil. However, on public beaches we recommend that you wear shorts and a t-shirt.

Once you’ve chosen this perfect destination, it’s time to ask yourself how to prepare for your trip to Morocco. The first step is to decide when to leave. 

When is the best time to go?

How to prepare your trip to Morocco and when to leave? It is very important to choose the time of your departure for this destination because the temperatures are sometimes quite extreme in the country.

Summer and winter are not the best times to go to Morocco. In summer, for example, temperatures can rise to 40 ° C in Marrakech and Agadir. Paradoxically in winter, the thermometer can drop below 0 ° C in the Atlas.

So if you have to choose a departure period for this country, we recommend that you leave in the fall or spring. Once the departure time has been chosen, it is time to focus on the administrative side. So, how to prepare your trip to Morocco to easily cross the border?

Do I need a visa to go to Morocco ?


It is very important to know how to prepare your trip to Morocco so as not to be stopped at the douane.

For European citizens, it is not necessary to have a visa to enter the Moroccan territory. You just need to have a valid passport and stay for less than 3 months.

How to prepare your trip to Morocco if you are not a European citizen? We recommend that you approach the Moroccan authorities present in your country.

After the administrative part, another essential question arises: how to prepare your trip to Morocco in terms of health?

Are there mandatory vaccines?

How to prepare your trip to Morocco and what are the compulsory vaccines? There are no compulsory vaccines to travel to Morocco. However, we recommend that you take certain precautions.

On the one hand, vaccines against hepatitis A and B, meningitis and typhoid are highly recommended. On the other hand, if you have a respiratory illness, an extended stay in the cities of Casablanca, Rabat, and agadir is strongly discouraged.

But how to prepare your trip to Morocco to stay healthy? As an additional health precaution, we recommend that you drink only mineral water. Also, remember to wash your hands thoroughly before and after each meal.

We continue our guide on how to prepare your trip to Morocco by addressing the question of the itinerary.

Whats the best road trip?

When you wonder how to prepare your trip to Morocco, it is essential to plan your itinerary in advance. This should include as many activities and other attractions as you want to do and see.

There are two possibilities. The first is to travel by yourself, and the second is to book with a travel operator.

If you decide to travel by yourself, you need to make a lot of research about the itineraries and the best places to see. For example, if you want to see only the imperial cities of Morocco and the city of Chefchaoeun, you can travel using public transportation.

However, if you want adventures, camels, and the desert, you cannot do it by your self. Then, the travel operator is a must. I used Morocco travel for 10 days tour from Casablanca and the tour included imperial cities and the desert.

The perfect itinerary for your trip includes Casablanca, Chefchaouen, Volubilis, Fez, the Desert, and Marrakesh. these are the major attractions in Morocco.